Monday, November 7, 2011

Marking Period 2: Monday #2

The view is from this article.

In 2005, the Associated Press at released an overview of a case in Pennsylvania in which the Dover Area School Board's decision to add Intelligent Design - essentially Creationism - to their curriculum.  Intelligent Design is first defined as the idea "that living organisms are so complex that they must have been created by some kind of higher force."  The public school claimed to want to "improve" scientific education with the teaching of this idea.  But, this policy also required a statement to be read to all ninth graders about to study evolution:  that "Darwin's theory is 'not a fact' and has inexplicable 'gaps.'"  The judge shot the policy down, calling it was a veiled attempt to introduce religion in the classroom.  Richard Thompson, the school board's lawyer, claimed they were merely protecting the religious freedoms of Christians and named this an ad hominem attack on scientists who also believe in G-d.  The Associated Press ended the article with a fairly straightforward statement that Creationism is not a science:  it is "flawed and illogical" and disregards centuries of scientific research.  It is unconstitutional to teach it as an alternative to Evolutionism.

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